Crocoblock / suggestions

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UI for manually selecting posts to show in a Listing Grid #5441

Open dburke-ux opened 2 years ago

dburke-ux commented 2 years ago

Currently, for a content manager to specify posts to show in a listing grid, they need to enter IDs, which requires them to open the Posts admin in a new tab and copy the ID numbers -

Elementor's Posts Widget searches by title, which is a nicer experience as users don't need a second tab and copy+paste -

JetGridBuilder has an even better UI with a search similar to selecting images for a gallery -

I would love to see either of these UIs added to the Listing Grid posts query settings to improve the client content management experience.

dburke-ux commented 2 years ago

Just wanted to add: the Include/Exclude Posts by IDs fields are useful when filling with dynamic data from a Jet Engine Posts Field. So, these should remain as options with an additional field for the improved search UI shown above.