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Recurrent payments with Stripe for jetformbuilder #6293

Open moragon87 opened 1 year ago

moragon87 commented 1 year ago

Actually we have the PayPal recurrent payments for make a membership web but It will be awesome to improve this feature with more payments options.

Stripe actually allows to make recurrent payment into the dashboard but I don't know if this is possible to reflect into jetformbuilder.


Thanks in advance.

morosmo commented 1 year ago

@moragon87 Alot of people open the same issue. Hope they will implement it soon. +100

Lonsdale201 commented 1 year ago

I read somewhere earlier that this feature will be coming. Let's be patient. I personally would prefer the email confirmation feature first :P

moragon87 commented 1 year ago

Yeap I am agree this feature is important but there are priorities

Picrold commented 1 year ago


zup44 commented 1 year ago


aquaminh commented 9 months ago

This is crucial. Stripe is much better than Paypal tbh.

Ricarditu commented 8 months ago

+1 Needed feature!

ruairimcn commented 7 months ago

+1 Stripe is used extensively and their Subscription tools are excellent!

trofimartya commented 6 months ago

+1 Vital function..

FinurDK commented 4 months ago

It's 2024, and unfortunately, there seems to be no advancement in integrating Stripe recurrent/subscription payments within Crocoblock's offerings. It appears that the Crocoblock team has chosen to exclusively support this feature via PayPal. For those of us relying on Stripe for our payment solutions, it may be necessary to explore other alternatives, given the lack of indication that this integration will be prioritized in the near future.

Ruudolfs commented 4 months ago

For me the solution was MemberPress. It give me the opportunity to enable recurring payments. You need to create subscriptions and when users fill out the Memberpres forms subscription gets enabled. Additionally, you can attach specific user roles. From there you can allow or restrict functions/page visits depending on the user role.

FinurDK commented 4 months ago

Yir I have also been looking at MemberPress and Paid Membership Pro. But seems like with MemberPress you have more control to customize it with your pagebuilder compared to Paid Membership Pro. Did you run into any performance issues with MemberPress?

Ruudolfs commented 4 months ago

@FinurDK So far so good. The project is in the staging phase, however, soon it will be live. I guess from there I will be able to comment more.

clemjam commented 3 months ago

Interested in recurring payments with stripe too !

Joerikros commented 1 month ago

Crocoblock assigned @girafffee on this topic. Hopefully they will bring out this functionality!


Duuble-U commented 1 week ago
