Crocoblock / suggestions

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Jetblocks - More enhanced features for Sticky Header #6407

Open Anders-Graitor opened 1 year ago

Anders-Graitor commented 1 year ago

Shrink the sticky header when scrolling down

Why this needed: Shrinking the sticky header when scrolling down can provide a better user experience by reducing visual clutter and allowing the main content of the page to be more prominent. It also saves space on the screen and makes it easier for users to access the navigation menu. This can be particularly useful for long pages with a lot of content, or for sites that have a lot of information in the header that may be less important as the user scrolls down.

Hide the header when scrolling down but let it show again when scrolling up

Why this needed: Hiding the header when scrolling down and showing it again when scrolling up can improve the user experience by reducing distraction and allowing the user to focus on the content. This feature can be especially useful for sites with long-form content, such as articles or blog posts, where users are likely to be reading for an extended period of time. It can also be useful for sites with a lot of information in the header that may not be needed when the user is scrolling down. Additionally, it can save space on the screen and provide a more minimalist look and feel.

mrusteberg commented 11 months ago

great suggestions!