If you set JetAppointment's schedule type to slots, you can select slots using the "buttons'. But the system then creates fixed slots and clients cannot choose their own start time.
If you set it to Time Picker, you need to use the time picker fields, even if you select "Only start time". That time picker is a lot less friendly than the slot selection "buttons".
I'd like to use a similar "button" to have people select there start time. So if business hours is 12.00 - 16.00 and duration steps is 0:30 and the service has a duration of 2:00, I would like to see the following available start times.
If you set JetAppointment's schedule type to slots, you can select slots using the "buttons'. But the system then creates fixed slots and clients cannot choose their own start time.
If you set it to Time Picker, you need to use the time picker fields, even if you select "Only start time". That time picker is a lot less friendly than the slot selection "buttons".
I'd like to use a similar "button" to have people select there start time. So if business hours is 12.00 - 16.00 and duration steps is 0:30 and the service has a duration of 2:00, I would like to see the following available start times.
12:00 12:30 13:00 13:30 14:00
Would be great if this is possible.