I'm currently working on a project where such a feature, enable or disable Woocommerce Integration for JetAppointment per service, would be very helpful.
There can be a need, like in my case, that some types of appointments need to be bought and go through the checkout process and others don't.
I know I can use the JetFormBuilder addon "Add to cart and checkout" but that way, there would not be a relation between order and appointment and I need that so that when the order changes status, so does the appointment.
Ao ir would be great to have a toggle or a similar way to disable the checkout process. Similar to the custom schedule, where different timetable and different number of events can be booked.
I'm currently working on a project where such a feature, enable or disable Woocommerce Integration for JetAppointment per service, would be very helpful. There can be a need, like in my case, that some types of appointments need to be bought and go through the checkout process and others don't. I know I can use the JetFormBuilder addon "Add to cart and checkout" but that way, there would not be a relation between order and appointment and I need that so that when the order changes status, so does the appointment. Ao ir would be great to have a toggle or a similar way to disable the checkout process. Similar to the custom schedule, where different timetable and different number of events can be booked.