Crocoblock / suggestions

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Glossary Improvements #7172

Open jcc5018 opened 10 months ago

jcc5018 commented 10 months ago

This is another feature that is a good idea, but could use some improvements for better User experience.

  1. Glossaries are currently hidden under Jet Engine>Jet Engine>Glossaries.

For one, that Second Jet Engine would be better labeled as settings. But 2, Glossaries should be within its own 2nd level menu, as currently is can be difficult to find, and therefor, utilize for people who may not be familiar with where it is.

  1. Your glossaries are simply enum look up tables in concept, but stored as arrays in the database. If that works, so be it, but I would like to see an option to add a description for field choices. This would be useful for things such as ratings where users may have different criteria for a rating. A description would help keep people on the same page. See sample below.

  2. If you add a description, you also need to have an option where to display those descriptions. This could be on the glossary set up page, or perhaps in the post_type set up to allow overrides for different display styles.

Possible locations would be Inline with label (Choice: Description), tool tips (visible on hover), pop-up (a learn more/ help link that displays the list of terms), or under inputs Sample with descriptions and save as glossary button. image

  1. To prevent users from having to navigate to multiple screens to add meta fields, and glossary terms, please have a "save as glossary" button available on any Select fields so that the choices can be reused without navigating to a glossary set up page.

  2. Make inputs easier: you current system requires a Label and a value. Most inexperienced people would only be concerned about the label. So the default arrangement should really be Label/ Value, not the opposite. Second, again depending on experience, most people will want the value to be a lowercase version of the label, so why not populate this field automatically with the label value. If a user wants to change it, they can do so. I believe you may be adding a simpler quick entry method of Label | value | (description -- hopefully) This would be faster.

  3. On all your meta box forms, please try to condense them to be one-liners as much as possible. This set up requires me to constantly scroll down each time i have to push new field. This is very time-consuming when I am trying to work with a ton of data.


If you make fields condensed like this: image Then I can type a label, tab through value and description, and have a new blank line appear when i hit tab again. I shouldnt have to take my hands off the keyboard to make a simple list. (think data entry in Excel vs your setup ) If the last line is blank, your code can simply ignore that entry.

  1. Due to long accordions with multiple options, it would also be helpful if each entry would auto-collapse when dealing with a new field. Or at minimum, add a 'collapse' or 'collapse all' button to the bottom of each field group, so we dont have to do a ton of scrolling to locate previous field settings.
theheadphonelist commented 1 month ago

I use glossaries extensively and think this functionality would be extremely useful, specifically the third field for the description. I currently have glossaries as dividers to help with organization.

Also, defaulting to the field label when adding a dynamic field vs. selecting the Filter field output switcher and selecting the appropriate option would save time.

Another possible way to do this is If the existing JetTricks Tooltip could either add the Glossary Description via the Dynamic Tags or a switcher that will use the glossary for meta field is using.

Another request: Add a switcher to meta fields that can use Glossaries that will automatically display the Description as a tooltip in the admin panel and on Smartform fields.