Crocoblock / suggestions

The suggestions for CrocoBlock project
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Dynamic Data for repeater fields with Jet Elements not well solved. Found some issues. #7360

Open enricgomez opened 4 months ago

enricgomez commented 4 months ago

I create a repeater field with some fields inside. Let's think it's a list that I need to use as accordion on front page. Inside the repeater I use title and description as text fields. Then I need a general icon for the accordion elements.

Here I have the problem. I can't use a general icon for all the accordion elements, so I need to create an iconpicker field inside the repeater, and the problem is that for each element I have to choose the same icon each time, because also I have no chance to put a default icon there. That sounds horrible. It's not well solved.

MaximMitrofanov commented 4 months ago

Can you provide some screenshots, snippets of your code, I might be able to help you out.

Crocoblock commented 4 months ago

Hi @enricgomez

please describe your problem in more detail and attach screenshots