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JetEngine v3.4.0 Beta #7361

Closed MjHead closed 6 months ago

MjHead commented 7 months ago


We are almost getting ready to release JetEngine v3.4.0 and we would like to ask you to help us test JetEngine v3.4.0 Beta.

You can download beta version from your Crocoblock account.

Please note that is a beta version, not stable release, so its not ready to use on production websites!

Interactive Tutorials

General description

Interactive Tutorials are basically regular text tutorials, visually broken down into steps and built into the website’s admin area. Each tutorial will accompany the user through all pages of their site’s admin panel until the user pauses the tutorial or completes it. What makes these tutorials “interactive” is that they can interact with the user’s website in a limited way, e.g., install plugins, activate the needed modules, change the values of options, and take the user to the necessary pages in the admin panel. For starters, we will have a limited set of tutorials only for JetEngine; in the future, we will add more plugins and more cases covered by the tutorials. The main purpose of this feature is to make it easier for new users to start working with our plugins. Tutorials are added through the corresponding API on our end, so users will be receiving them as they arrive without updating plugins.

Getting started with Interactive Tutorials

There are dedicated links to Interactive Tutorials in the JetEngine row on the Plugins page:


And in the Crocoblock menu on the admin panel:


By following any of these links, you will be taken to a page containing all Interactive Tutorials.


From this page, one can start a new tutorial or resume the paused one. The tutorial itself is a pop-up containing information about what needs to be done at the current step and some additional controls. For the user’s convenience, the pop-up can be resized and dragged around the screen for it not to cover the controls on the current page. The pop-up remembers its position after dragging and resizing, and when the page is reloaded, it will reappear where the user left it.

Query Builder. Ability to output query results via Rest API

We have added the ability to register the output of any Query results in the WordPress Rest API. This means you can create a public URL through which you can get the results of any Query from a given website in any other place. The use cases for this feature are manifold, varying from its use in the scenarios to using it as a backend for mobile applications. In fact, using Query Builder and this feature, one can turn a website into a builder of custom Rest API Endpoints.

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Result example


Options list:


I can pass this parameter with an API request. But in order to actually get as many results as indicated in this parameter, I need to consider it in the Query settings.

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Ability to filter Queries on the Queries List admin page

We added the ability to search, filter, and sort the previously created Queries on the Queries List page.


Maps Listings improvements

We have added additional settings to the preload functionality in the meta fields selection pop-up (it doesn’t work for JetEngine fields).


From now on, in the first step, it is possible to select the custom fields provider between “JetEngine” and “Any other” options. For the second option, you need to specify what these custom fields are for – posts, terms, or users – and then provide the field name. Similarly to the JetEngine scenario, if the address is received portion-wise from several fields, you need to specify all of such fields, combining them via the ‘+’ sign.

Advanced Datе. Timepicker & Recurrency format

In the Advanced Date field settings, there is now a new option called Allow timepicker. If you enable it, you will see a separate field next to it allowing you to set time after the main date and after the end date (if Has end date is active).


The format for saving data in the database remains the same; the date is saved as a single field in the timestamp format. When there is time available, it is counted in the timestamp. You can output the correct date and time on the front end using the callback for formatting the date (similarly to basic Datetime fields, for which the Save as timestamp option is enabled). Date and time are saved in Unix time without adjusting the timezone. So, in order to obtain the correct time format, make sure the website’s current timezone is indicated in the WordPress settings.


Another new option in the Advanced Date field settings is Recurrency Format. This option determines how the field’s UI will be displayed. There are two available options:


Bricks. Dynamic Tokens for CCT

Custom libraries for Iconpicker field

We have added a new option called Icon Library for the Iconpicker field: From now on, it is possible to select a different library of icons for the Iconpicker field or add several Iconpickers with different libraries –

By default, only the following libraries are available for Iconpicker – Font Awesome 4 (for backwards compatibility) and Dashicons. If you have Elementor installed, then you will see Font Awesome 5 (Regular, Solid, Brands) on the list of libraries, as well as custom icon libraries added by the user –

For previously created icons, the Font Awesome 4 library is set as default.

Data Stores. User IP data store

This release includes a new Data Store type called User IP

Implementation: For the given Data Store, a separate table is created where the following data are stored: store_id, store_item, and user_ip. Please note that user_ip is saved in the form of a hash for security purposes.

Use Case: Using this Data Store type, one can create a store of liked posts based on the user’s IP.

Profile Builder. Expand the Sources list for templates and UI improvements

When searching for existing templates, templates from Bricks will appear in the search results and can be used as pages for Profile Builder (provided that you have Bricks installed). For more convenience, search results will now display the template’s type.


We also added the ability to create a new template of the needed type right from the Profile Builder settings page.

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When creating a template, you must specify its name and type – Listing Item, Elementor template, or Bricks (depending on what you have installed). For the Listing option, you can also set the Listing view.

After the new template is created, it will be automatically pulled to the selected option and opened for editing in a new tab.

Please leave your feedback and any found bugs or issues in the comments below

serdarozbilen commented 7 months ago

Great features 👏

DanielShuster commented 7 months ago


marreiradigital commented 6 months ago

Missed adding the cct ID as a Bricks dynamic tag It is essential to have at least cct ID, cct author ID image

StratoAgency commented 6 months ago

when adding a Custom Icon Library (in Elementor) the Icon list dropbox shows no icons in the CPT. It does work with the other libraries but not with custom ones.


MjHead commented 6 months ago

@StratoAgency Could you please share what exact Custom Icon Library you added, to check it at our side?

blatka commented 6 months ago

This is great, guys, thank you!

  1. CCT field name only shows on Bricks canvas but only after reload.
  2. Dynamic CCT data doesn't show on Bricks canvas.
  3. Can't pull in a CCT image with the Bricks Image module.
SolunaCG commented 6 months ago

CCT query-builder

Not sure if this is a bug or if I´m doing something wrong. I created the query and the results are shown in the preview but when I create an accordion with a query loop and set the query there it doesn´t show any content but says "NO RESULTS". Shouldn´t I also specify somewhere which query it should use? Coming from Elementor I vaguely remember that this was the way it worked there?! (not 100% sure though). And under "Template" there´s nothing I could choose from. No dropdown opening or whatsoever.

marreiradigital commented 6 months ago

What is the possibility of also activating the cct repeat on bricks? Style how post repeats are done.

MjHead commented 6 months ago

@SolunaCG Yeah, there is a bit problems with UI here, we haven't yet found a way how to resolve this. So control to select exact query located outside the Query popup itself

SolunaCG commented 6 months ago

@MjHead Thanks for the answer! Not sure if I understand your last sentence correctly. My UI seems to look different from the screenshot your provided (compared image posted by me in my last post and the one from you).

But we can expect a "fix" for that so that the queries work as they should for the final JetEngine v3.4.0 release, can´t we?

StratoAgency commented 6 months ago

@StratoAgency Could you please share what exact Custom Icon Library you added, to check it at our side?

@MjHead I used a Library that I made using Fontello. Uploaded it to Elementor Custom Icons and I can use it correctly on the whole website but not on the CPT. I'll attach the .zip .

I've also tried with other Fontello and Icomoon default Icon set to make sure I was not exporting the SVGs in a wrong way, but it is not working even with those sets!

oceandiveloper commented 6 months ago

Hey @MjHead,

happy to see that CCTs are finally arriving in Bricks as dynamic tags and therefore compatibility with element conditions in Bricks. I just tested the "Bricks. Dynamic Tokens for CCT" a bit. For text fields and switcher fields it works well but I have an issue with media fields. No matter what I define for the "value format" of the image in the front-end I only receive the title of the image (not a URL, not an ID, not an array).

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I will check more fields later but this one needs attention for the release for sure.

oceandiveloper commented 6 months ago

@MjHead I just tested CCT checkboxes in Bricks. We currently only seem to have the option to return true/false values by default or enabling "Save as array" which returns a comma separated list showing labels (not values).

Would there be a way for you to add params to certain field types so that we can choose how we want the array result to be displayed? I think I could need values as well, especially in element conditions. Maybe something like {je_cct_properties_amenities:return_values} which does what it says?

Parameters would probably also make sense for media fields to show either full URL, ID, file name. Would be great to have the choice in any Bricks element and in element conditions. Like: {je_cct_properties_image:media_id} for 123 {je_cct_properties_image:media_url} for {je_cct_properties_image:media_filename} for image.jpg {je_cct_properties_image:media_title} for Title of Image etc.

MjHead commented 6 months ago

@oceandiveloper Hi, we just uploaded Beta 2 version with fix for the Media fields. As for additional arguments - we'll look into this with next updates

MjHead commented 6 months ago

@StratoAgency Hi! We just uploaded Beta 2 version with fix for this issue. Could you please reinstall new version and check your Iconpicker field

cwinkler8 commented 6 months ago

@MjHead love that CCTs are now available in Bricks! Can you tell me if there is a dynamic tag format that can be used to reference the fields from a JE Query Builder custom query in Bricks elements? So far I've only been able to use them within the JE dynamic elements, but I need to use them dynamically in other elements as well. Thanks!

MjHead commented 6 months ago

@cwinkler8 We'll add this to roadmap for the 3.4.x updates, most probably it will be 3.4.3 or 3.4.4

oceandiveloper commented 6 months ago

@oceandiveloper Hi, we just uploaded Beta 2 version with fix for the Media fields. As for additional arguments - we'll look into this with next updates

@MjHead It's still only showing the file name without .jpg at the end. I tried all three value formats for media field.

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MjHead commented 6 months ago

@oceandiveloper we'll take this into the next release, to make sure we investigated this issue completely

marreiradigital commented 6 months ago

image What is the possibility of adding CCT repeats to the same CPT repeats?