Crocoblock / suggestions

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Automatically Refresh Listing Grid After Form Submission #7459

Open morosmo opened 3 months ago

morosmo commented 3 months ago

Hi Team,

I would like to discuss a feature request regarding the reloading of my listing grid submission after a user submits a form in JetFormBuilder. I've noticed that when we integrate the listing grid widget into Elementor and toggle the "Use as Archive Template" button, the listing grid data and design update without the need to reload the page. Is there a way to achieve a similar functionality where the listing grid reloads automatically after form submission or through a hook?

An example of what I am referring to is illustrated below:

Currently developing this listing grid: image

When I update the listing grid and toggle this button on or off, it reflects the updated design and data without requiring a page reload: image

Alternatively, when using Jet Smart Filter, we can observe updated data without reloading the page. How can I rerun the query and update my listing grid widget without reloading the page?

I would appreciate any thoughts or suggestions on this matter.

Best Regards