Crocoblock / suggestions

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Enhance Crocoblock's Hotspots Widget to Support Rich Content Tooltips #7468

Open SwenHong opened 2 months ago

SwenHong commented 2 months ago

Feature Request Description: I would like to request an enhancement for the Hotspots widget in Crocoblock to support rich content tooltips, similar to the functionality seen on the "Ohouse" "ggumim"platform. Currently, the Hotspots widget only allows for text-based tooltips, which limits the ability to provide a more interactive and informative user experience. By enabling the inclusion of images, layouts, and possibly even shortcodes within tooltips, users could create more engaging and informative hotspots.

This enhancement is significant because it would allow for a more dynamic presentation of information, making it especially useful for e-commerce platforms, interior design showcases, educational content, and more. The ability to add rich content to tooltips would make the Hotspots widget far more versatile and valuable.

Example of the Feature: The "Ohouse" "ggumim" platform showcases an excellent use of rich content tooltips within their interior design showcases. When a user hovers over a hotspot, a tooltip appears containing not just text but images, product layouts, and links. This approach greatly enhances the user experience by providing detailed information in an interactive format.

There are no known alternatives within the Crocoblock suite that offer this level of detail and interactivity within tooltips. The addition of this feature would place Crocoblock at a competitive advantage by expanding the widget's utility and appeal.

To illustrate the desired functionality, I have attached a series of screenshots and links demonstrating the "Ohouse" tooltips:
