Crocoblock / suggestions

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JetAppointments - meeting type selection and split payment function for meeting booking #7534

Open EducationAfrica opened 1 month ago

EducationAfrica commented 1 month ago


I am developing a website where a person (or group represented by the person) can make an appointment with a mediator to assist in mediating a particular issue (will call them Party A) with another person (or group) (Party B).

Party A will need to go through the mediators displayed on the website and find a suitable one. They would then make a booking and select from an available time slot with the mediator selected to setup a meeting between party A and party B and the mediator. Party A would enter their own details as well as Party B details at the same time. Party A would also select beween in-person (Meeting fee, travel distance fee) or Zoom meeting (Meeting fee) and complete the booking request. Both party A and party B have to pay for the meeting (split payment) in order to complete the booking process. Confirmation would be sent to the mediator and both parties once the full payment has been pade by both parties and in so doing confirm the meeting.

Thank you for your consideration, Claude