Crocoblock / suggestions

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Add a Field Order for When Editing a CPT in the Backend #7554

Closed awebguy99 closed 3 weeks ago

awebguy99 commented 3 weeks ago

I've recently moved from Advanced Custom Fields to Jet Engine and there's one fairly major feature that ACF has that Jet Engine doesn't. That's the ability to order the custom fields in a CPT, in the backend edit screen. I.E. When someone in the backend edits a CPT, I need to be able to control the order of the custom fields. I know a user can drag the fields to re-order but that's not a great solution for many users or when I add features to a system for a client.

An example Let's say I build an event system for a client. They have 20 staff who use the system in the backend. The initial system has the following fields;

The first issue right away is these fields are displaying below the Yoast fields, so these 20 backend users have to scroll past the Yoast fields in order to enter the details for the event. I have to get all 20 of these users to drag the 4 event fields above the Yoast fields.

OK, then I add more features to the event system, adding more fields;

Because it works best for their workflow, they want to be able to populate these 2 new fields first, so they need to appear above the original 4 fields (Event Name etc). Right now, the only option I have is to again ask all 20 users to drag the 2 new fields above the 4 original fields. This is not viable and will cause user frustration.

Add an example of where this feature is already implemented It's already in Advanced Custom Fields

awebguy99 commented 3 weeks ago

Actually, you can re-order the fields but the still appear below Yoast fields. I'll try to find out a way to move Yoast fields. I'll close this feature request.

awebguy99 commented 3 weeks ago

In case it helps others, you can move the Yoast meta fields to below the Jet Engine fields in the backend CPT edit with a PHP snippet.

(Slight change from helpful code // Move Yoast to core function yoasttocore() { return 'core'; } add_filter( 'wpseo_metabox_prio', 'yoasttocore');