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JetSmartFilter search by author stopped working #7556

Closed hericjr closed 2 weeks ago

hericjr commented 3 weeks ago

After the latest updates to Jet Smart Filter and Jet Engine, the author filtering function has stopped working when using the 'Author & post type filter' add-on.

Error: When filtering by author, the option selected in the filter does not load, neither in AJAX nor on a reloaded page.

The error happens on any device, whether desktop or mobile.

JetEngine Version 3.4.6 JetSmartFilter version 3.4.5

With Jet Smart Filter version 3.3.2 and the latest version of JetEngine, I can still filter by author, so I believe the error is in the recent JetSmartFilter or the 'Author & post type filter' add-on needs to be updated

This fix would be very useful to keep plugins updated.

Thanks in advance.

Crocoblock commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @hericjr

After 3.3.0 you don't need this addon, you can use Plain Query

Firstly, go to WordPress Dashboard > JetEngine > Query Builder > Add New and add a new query of the type "Users Query". We will use this query to generate a list of authors:

Then, create a filter in JetSmartFilters. You can use Select/Radio/Checkbox filter type. Choose "JetEngine Query Builder" as the Data Source:

You can find more information about this data source here:

Apply the "Plain Query Variable" dynamic tag to the Query Variable field and insert a random string, such as 'author_ids': Save the filter.

Create a Posts Query in JetEngine > Query Builder and follow this configuration:

Apply the query to the Listing Grid widget that displays your posts and display the filter

hericjr commented 2 weeks ago

Hi @Crocoblock,

I followed the steps and it worked. Thank you for the feedback.

There were a lot of turns to make a simple author filter, I think it could already be native to JetSmartFilter.

I think it could be a Wordpress query issue, but this solution has already helped me.

Thank you once again.