Crocoblock / suggestions

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The possibility of creating a wallet using jet engine #7558

Closed Joliamendi closed 1 week ago

Joliamendi commented 3 weeks ago

Hi crocoblock team,

Is it possible to create a wallet for WooCommerce using jet engine? It seems possible, but if not, will it be difficult to make it possible in future updates?

J-WPD commented 2 weeks ago

This would be incredibly useful! Being able to build a multivendor platform with JetEngine would be a game changer, most of the things are already there.

79ho3ein commented 2 weeks ago


MjHead commented 1 week ago

sorry, it's to specific functionality to implement it in JetEngine

J-WPD commented 1 week ago

If not a wallet then a way for users to get paid out individually with the multivendor marketplaces you have set up? The demo sites you have are nice, but having everything go into the owners account and having to pay out each user individually is not particularly useful.