Crocoblock / suggestions

The suggestions for CrocoBlock project
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Ability to add "relations" faster, or to set default values #7560

Open wecode-swiss-bruno opened 2 weeks ago

wecode-swiss-bruno commented 2 weeks ago

I've search everywhere before posting this message

Is it possible to develop a feature to let use be faster when adding relations.

For example:

Your plugins are awesome! Thank you!

wecode-swiss-bruno commented 1 week ago

At the moment I'm using the checkboxes linked to a custom query, it's not bidirectional but easier to do, then on "Offices" I use a custom query with NOREGEX to fetch the "Services" who have this "Office" setup in the checkboxes.

A cool feature would be link a jetActions Plugin to be able to add custom actions linked to Events.

For example:

Maybe it's just easier to make the selection of the relations faster or bulk or pre-populatable.

Thank you very much for you help!