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JetElements Plugin - Instagram Widget #7565

Open ricardoaraujo330 opened 2 weeks ago

ricardoaraujo330 commented 2 weeks ago

Feature Description:

Currently, the Instagram widget in the JetElements plugin allows users to set the number of columns responsively, which is great. However, the "number of Instagram posts" setting is fixed and cannot be adjusted responsively. This means that if we set the widget to display 6 posts, it will show the same 6 posts on mobile devices, where displaying only 3 or 4 posts in the same line would be more optimal for better user experience.


Adding responsive control over the "number of Instagram posts" is crucial for several reasons:

Enhanced User Experience: It allows for better content presentation on different devices, ensuring that the website remains aesthetically pleasing and user-friendly on mobile devices. Improved Performance: Loading fewer posts on mobile can enhance the loading speed, providing a smoother browsing experience for mobile users. Flexibility: Gives developers and designers more flexibility in designing responsive layouts without compromising on the number of posts displayed based on the device. Effect or Functionality:

The desired functionality would allow users to set different numbers of Instagram posts to be displayed on various screen sizes. For example:

Desktop: 6 posts Tablet: 4 posts Mobile: 3 posts

Example of Implementation:

An example of this feature is seen in the Elementor Pro Gallery widget, where the number of columns can be adjusted responsively, allowing different numbers of items to be displayed on different devices.

Detailed Explanation and Alternatives:

This feature should be integrated into the existing Instagram widget settings panel, under the responsive settings. The lack of this feature currently leads to either overcrowded displays on mobile or too few posts on larger screens if trying to optimize for mobile manually.

Visual Illustration:

Here is a conceptual illustration of the desired functionality:

Desktop View: Shows 6 posts in 6 columns (1 row).

Tablet View: Shows 4 posts in 4 columns (1 row).

Mobile View: Shows 3 posts in 3 columns (1 row).


By adding responsive controls for the "number of Instagram posts", the Instagram widget will become more versatile and user-friendly, providing a better experience across all devices.

Thank you for considering this feature request.