Crocoblock / suggestions

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Add support for the standard WooCommerce product query on the product archives/catalogue page #7575

Open nu-ad opened 1 week ago

nu-ad commented 1 week ago

Importance: This feature is crucial because the standard WooCommerce product query is the default method used by WooCommerce to display products in the archive/catalogue pages. Currently, JetSmartFilters only supports WooCommerce shortcodes, which adds an additional layer on top of the standard query. Supporting the standard query will enhance compatibility and flexibility, making it easier for users to customize their product displays without relying solely on shortcodes.

Functionality: The desired functionality is to have JetSmartFilters recognize and utilize the standard WooCommerce product query as filter provider. This will allow users to leverage WooCommerce's built-in query system for displaying products, filters, sorting, and pagination on archive/catalogue pages. The result will be a more seamless and integrated experience when building and customizing WooCommerce shops with JetSmartFilters, rather then using entire fleet of additional (in some cases unnecessary) plugins.

Example of implementation: This feature is already a standard in WooCommerce itself (Woo's product filters). When creating a product archive page, WooCommerce automatically uses its standard product query to display filtered products. This can be seen in the default WooCommerce themes and other plugins that support WooCommerce product displays and widgets without the need for additional shortcodes nor plugins.

Currently, the only alternative is to use WooCommerce shortcodes within JetSmartFilters, which can be limiting and less efficient. Users who prefer or require the standard query for their projects must either forgo JetSmartFilters or use custom code to achieve the desired functionality (or use a bunch of unnecessary plugins like mentioned earlier).

Many users are specifically looking for a high-quality filter plugin and would prefer to use a single, robust solution like JetSmartFilters instead of installing an entire suite of plugins. By supporting the standard WooCommerce product query, JetSmartFilters can become a more attractive standalone option for users who want a powerful filtering tool without the need to manage multiple plugins from the same suite. This would broaden the appeal of JetSmartFilters and meet the needs of users seeking simplicity and efficiency.

By adding support for the standard WooCommerce product query, JetSmartFilters will provide a more intuitive and powerful tool for users looking to create custom WooCommerce shops. This feature will not only simplify the process but also ensure better compatibility with WooCommerce's core functionalities.

Thank you for considering this feature request.