Crocoblock / suggestions

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Add a clear and fitting title for the feature request #7578

Open ricardoaraujo330 opened 1 week ago

ricardoaraujo330 commented 1 week ago

Product: JetEngine

Feature Description: I would like to request a feature for JetEngine that allows for the dynamic calculation of read time for posts based on character/word count. This feature would automatically calculate and display the estimated read time for each post, enhancing the user experience by providing readers with an idea of how long it will take to read the content.

Importance: This feature is important because it improves content engagement and usability. Knowing the read time helps readers decide if they can commit to reading the entire post, especially for longer articles. It also adds a professional touch to websites by providing a user-friendly feature that many modern websites offer.

Desired Functionality:

Automatic Calculation: The read time should be automatically calculated based on the number of words or characters in the post content. Customizable Reading Speed: Allow site admins to set the average reading speed (e.g., words per minute) to tailor the read time calculation to their audience. Display Options: Provide options to display the read time in various formats (e.g., "5 minutes read", "Approximately 5 minutes"). Dynamic Update: The read time should dynamically update when the post content is updated. Elementor Integration: Implement this feature as a dynamic field in Elementor, allowing users to easily display the read time on single post pages or in blog post listings as part of the metadata. Example of Implementation: A similar feature is implemented in platforms like Medium and WordPress plugins like "Reading Time WP". These platforms calculate the estimated reading time based on word count and display it prominently at the beginning of each article.

Usage and Alternatives: This feature should be used on blog posts, articles, and any other long-form content where indicating the read time would be beneficial. Currently, there are no direct features in JetEngine that provide this functionality. While it is possible to implement custom code to achieve this, having a built-in feature would simplify the process and ensure better integration with other JetEngine features.

Illustration: Below are some screenshots of how this feature is presented in other platforms:

Screenshot at Jun 21 12-08-49

Thank you for considering this feature request. Implementing a dynamic read time calculation as a dynamic field in Elementor would significantly enhance the usability and professional appearance of content created with JetEngine.