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Calculated field for CPT price when filtering by date range (jetBooking) #7587

Open VilizarN opened 3 days ago

VilizarN commented 3 days ago

Whether it's booking a hotel room, renting a car or any other similar service (which is what jetbooking was created for) the most important thing is that the customer sees the final price for the selected period for the different options. This is currently possible when using the calculated field of jetformbuilder and ONLY in a single page.

What I want to have as an option is to show the final price for the selected period in the listing grid , when the date range filter of jetsmart filters is used. Here's an example:

The customer uses the date filter to see which cars are available for the selected period:


The dynamic price field takes information from here:


However, it does not take into account seasonal prices and additional rates. It also does not multiply them by the number of days selected. This gives the customer a feeling of trying to scam and exit the site.

In short - make this price show the entire amount for the selected period here, not just the lowest price and per day:
