Crocoblock / suggestions

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JetEngine: Add Justified text alignment to Dynamic Field widget #824

Open tf5bassist opened 4 years ago

tf5bassist commented 4 years ago

Styling text output from the Dynamic Field widget currently allows for left, center, and right alignment. There is no option for justified text formatting. Adding this would be useful for single post template creation and other text layout uses where the justified layout is necessary.

mcj777 commented 4 years ago

Ещё замечание по данной теме. Виджет Dynamic Field не центрируется правильно Если идёт перенос слов, то центрирование игнорируется и текст выравнивается по левому краю.

Для правильного центрирования текста я добавил стиль:

.jet-listing-dynamic-field__content { text-align: center; }

Floydtm commented 4 years ago

@mcj777, English please. Try changing this option to multiline

mrachid82 commented 1 year ago

Solution given by @mcj777 worked fine for me, I just added (p) to css element since in my case I target text with paragraphs. Thank you @mcj777.