CroissantDuNord / discord-adblock

Hide Ads For Discord Nitro, with CustomCSS
MIT License
35 stars 4 forks source link

Settings fixes and ad blocks, block super reaction buttons, "InvisibleTyping" plugin compatibility. #6

Closed FridgeRacer closed 8 months ago

FridgeRacer commented 8 months ago

Blocks the "Falloween" ad, and removes super reaction buttons in chat. Gift Button removal also removed the InvisibleTyping button from Strencher's plugin, this specifies the gift button with more precision.

Fixes a bug that would occur in the settings page, also removes the billing info buttons. See FridgeRacer/discord-adblock@86d0ed922e1b19e90ac84e6d2888c31c7534deb2

FridgeRacer commented 8 months ago

Hold that thought. Literally just after I submitted this, Discord broke everything again. This needs some attention before merging.