CropAi / Android-Application

Crop Analyzer Android Application
GNU General Public License v3.0
11 stars 22 forks source link

Add screenshots [OPEN FOR ALL] #54

Closed tanishq9 closed 4 years ago

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

Create a markdown file by your name in the screenshots folder and add 3-4 screenshots of the app including 'on boarding', 'selecting image' and 'result'. Download the app using the APK given in Also, mention which device you tested the android app on in the PR description.

abhushanaj commented 4 years ago

Is this open for all Sir? Also, I am interested in it! Thank you

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

Yes, I have mentioned it now.

CapTen101 commented 4 years ago

I ,too, want to contribute to the repository! :smile:

CapTen101 commented 4 years ago

But I've found some issues in the app when I installed the application. Should I open the bugs as new issues @tanishq9 ?

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

@CapTen101 you can discuss these bugs with me on slack. We will open issues after that only.

CapTen101 commented 4 years ago

Pardon but which Slack channel? There wasn't any mention in the file. PS. I haven't registered for gssoc20. Is that the reason? @tanishq9 Also still can I contribute to the repository?

CapTen101 commented 4 years ago

And the issue I encountered after installation of the app is that the app's functionality of analyzing the image is not working. Regardless of the Internet connection Toast always shows that "no Internet Connection".

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

All the contributors need to registered for GSSoC'20 to contribute. Anyways, if there is any bug, feel free to open an issue, I will look into it. Just make sure you describe the bug well enough !

CapTen101 commented 4 years ago

ok, cool!

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

Please read the issue description, everything is mentioned there.

connectrv commented 4 years ago

I would like to contribute. I am ready with the screenshots.

tanishq9 commented 4 years ago

Make a PR. I will review it.

connectrv commented 4 years ago

Device used

on Board

Analyze Screen

Analyze screen

Analyzing Screen


Result Screen
