CrossGeeks / GeofencePlugin

Geofence Plugin for Xamarin iOS and Android
MIT License
48 stars 22 forks source link

Not getting notifications, StayedInThresholdDuration not working properly #32

Open rajuskvt opened 4 years ago

rajuskvt commented 4 years ago

Not getting notifications, StayedInThresholdDuration not working properly

Entry and OnStay methods hitting at the same time check below code please

CrossGeofence.Current.StartMonitoring(new GeofenceCircularRegion("My Region", 10.8505, 76.2711, 52220) { //To get notified if user stays in region for at least 5 minutes NotifyOnStay = true, NotificationEntryMessage="New food venue located", NotificationStayMessage="Hey john new beverage with same price.", NotificationExitMessage="Thanks for visiting", StayedInThresholdDuration = TimeSpan.FromMinutes(5), ShowNotification=true });