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BibTeX output improvements #1

Closed soli closed 10 years ago

soli commented 10 years ago

Here are the 5 changes I made to improve the BibTeX output.

Unfortunately I still haven't found a way to test those, so please review/test before merging. I managed to get the repl up by setting the :repl-timeout to 5 minutes (!!!), but nevertheless couldn't find how to get BibTeX output for some test data…

If something (either the how or the why) is not clear, please don't hesitate to ask. I might have written very weird code since I'm not at all familiar with Clojure.

kjw commented 10 years ago

Hey @soli, awesome. I'm on holiday at the moment but will check through this asap once I'm back. I suspect repl start timeout is due to an attempt to connect to services. These are all configured in conf.clj . Removing some of the services would help, but ideally they wouldn't start on a lein repl. (Actually, the idea is that they don't and to start the system you call a function in user.clj. Must not be working as expected.)

soli commented 10 years ago

np, take your time, have a nice vacation!

kjw commented 10 years ago

I've deployed this pretty much as is. Having an issue with org.jbibtex.LiteralValue - an instantiation error when supplying a string argument. It should work. Will have to investigate but for the time being having to leave that out.

Moved the xslt into a /tools dir.

Thank you so much for these improvements!

soli commented 10 years ago

Glad that it did (almost) work out. The LiteralValue thing was to avoid braces and quotes in order for the macro to be picked up by the BibTeX styles. No big deal, but would be nicer if you manage to make it work.

Thanks for the merge.

soli commented 10 years ago

Hmmm, actually after checking a few samples remotely, pages/months/capitalization changes seem to work, but the Unicode related stuff does not :( An example (not working) DOI: 10.1016/j.tcs.2010.05.008 (in the author field, neither accents nor cedilla get properly translated to BibTeX-friendly versions)

kjw commented 10 years ago

Ah I see why. xslt generates string literals for the codepoints rather than character literals. Will fix.

kjw commented 10 years ago

Better. Does the output look good to you now?

soli commented 10 years ago

Yep, seems perfect ^^ thanks.