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Add transform tests #11

Closed markwoodhall closed 6 years ago

markwoodhall commented 6 years ago

This pull request adds some new tests that verify the output of works/{doi}/transform for a number of content types:

  1. application/rdf+xml
  2. text/turtle
  3. text/n-triples
  4. text/n3
  5. text/x-bibliography
  6. text/bibliography
  7. text/plain
  8. application/x-research-info-systems
  9. application/vnd.crossref.unixref+xml
  10. application/unixref+xml
  11. application/vnd.crossref.unixsd+xml

The following content types are excluded from this test:

  1. application/x-bibtex

I've excluded this one for now as I'm getting exceptions converting anything to x-bibtex. I think it is because of the sample input data I'm using, this issue might just go away when we decide on our full test data set.

  1. application/json

I've excluded this at it is the default in use for all other tests.

  1. application/citeproc+json

I've excluded this at is uses the same implementation as application/json.

  1. application/vnd.citationstyles.csl+json

I've excluded this at is uses the same implementation as application/json.