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Various problems accessing the CrossRef API #5

Closed stefan-kolb closed 7 years ago

stefan-kolb commented 7 years ago


I hope this is the right repository to report such issues, if not please guide me appropriately.

We are using CrossRef for a lot of fetching functionalities inside JabRef. In the last days (and in general) the API lead to a few problems.

  1. In general the API is often unavailable serving 503 and 504 HTTP status codes
  2. The API randomly responds with a 500 HTTP error code

For example:`

randomly responds with status 500 and this response body.

{"status":"error","message-type":"exception","message-version":"1.0.0","message":{"name":"class java.lang.RuntimeException","description":"java.lang.RuntimeException: Solr returned a partial result set","message":"Solr returned a partial result set","cause":null}}

Maybe this helps tracking down some problems with the API.

Best regards, Stefan