CrossRef / pdfextract

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Error installing pdf-extract #13

Open radeksvarz opened 9 years ago

radeksvarz commented 9 years ago

Can we avoid using the build tools, please?

C:\Temp>gem install pdf-extract ERROR: Error installing pdf-extract: The 'libsvm-ruby-swig' native gem requires installed build tools.

Please update your PATH to include build tools or download the DevKit from '' and follow the instructions at ''

iamgp commented 9 years ago

Can't you just use them?

amiraliakbari commented 9 years ago

Same problem, +1 Even with build tools, installation of libsvm-ruby-swig fails on new versions of Ubuntu (and probably other distributions bundling newer versions of libsvm). The issue is reported to libsvm-ruby-swig ( but that project seems to not be maintained anymore. Is there any alternative to libsvm-ruby-swig?