CroudTech / vue-fullcalendar

FullCalendar Wrapper for vue
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What's problem with my allDay setting? #145

Closed DivingPigy closed 6 years ago

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I have ser allDay configuration in json, but it didn't work. Any criticle point I miss ?

code: allDay: true,



DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I read the the sample code on sandbox, the host set the attributte allDay to be true. Then it displayed in the top allDay section. Also, I read in officical docs to do the same thing. Howere, not working for me. default

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

The birthday event just fills the vetical day cell. Not friendly for user.

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

Can you send me a sample of your event data?

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

`if([i].type == "3"){

                    start: date_arr[0] + "-" +[i].start_time,

                    color: 'red',
                    allDay: true,
DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I set allDay true here. The events are added to calendar by json feed.

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

Does adding an end date help?

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I have done this before. Let me try again.

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

start: date_arr[0] + "-" +[i].start_time + " 10:00:00", end:[i].end_time + " 11:00:00",

It doesn't work.

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

What does your base fullcalendar config look like?

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

<FullCalendar :event-sources="eventSources" :config="config" @event-selected="eventSelected" @day-click="dayClick" ref="calendar"> </FullCalendar>

config : { locale : 'zh', height: 1350, },

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I shall make the code more clear.

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

Which version of vue-full-calendar are you using? I will try and replicate the issue.

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I fountd that in the file: node_modules/vue-full-calendar/package.json -> "_id": "vue-full-calendar@4.0.0-1",

Is this help , Sir?

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

Try downgrading to 2.x 4.x is in prerelease at the moment.

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

I modify the package.json file, change the item: 1) "vue-full-calendar": "^4.0.0-1" ==>> "vue-full-calendar": "^2.0.0-1" 2) Run in the console: npm install npm run dev But it didn't work. Any mistake I make?

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

A new try: package.json file,change the item: 1) "vue-full-calendar": "^2.7.0-0", 2) Run in the console: npm install npm run dev

Not work.

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

A new try on v4.0.0-1, not work.

BrockReece commented 6 years ago

try ^2.6.1

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

Now, the events are displayed in the allDay section. However, I click the month-nav to change to month-view, the events displayed in allDay will dispear.

For example: this is my click sequence: week(events exist in allDay section) => month(events dispear) => week(dispear)

DivingPigy commented 6 years ago

So wired, the allDay section doesn't work again.