Closed DivingPigy closed 6 years ago
I read the the sample code on sandbox, the host set the attributte allDay to be true. Then it displayed in the top allDay section. Also, I read in officical docs to do the same thing. Howere, not working for me.
The birthday event just fills the vetical day cell. Not friendly for user.
Can you send me a sample of your event data?
`if([i].type == "3"){
start: date_arr[0] + "-" +[i].start_time,
color: 'red',
allDay: true,
I set allDay true here. The events are added to calendar by json feed.
Does adding an end date help?
I have done this before. Let me try again.
start: date_arr[0] + "-" +[i].start_time + " 10:00:00", end:[i].end_time + " 11:00:00",
It doesn't work.
What does your base fullcalendar config look like?
<FullCalendar :event-sources="eventSources" :config="config" @event-selected="eventSelected" @day-click="dayClick" ref="calendar"> </FullCalendar>
config : { locale : 'zh', height: 1350, },
I shall make the code more clear.
Which version of vue-full-calendar are you using? I will try and replicate the issue.
I fountd that in the file: node_modules/vue-full-calendar/package.json -> "_id": "vue-full-calendar@4.0.0-1",
Is this help , Sir?
Try downgrading to 2.x 4.x is in prerelease at the moment.
I modify the package.json file, change the item: 1) "vue-full-calendar": "^4.0.0-1" ==>> "vue-full-calendar": "^2.0.0-1" 2) Run in the console: npm install npm run dev But it didn't work. Any mistake I make?
A new try: package.json file,change the item: 1) "vue-full-calendar": "^2.7.0-0", 2) Run in the console: npm install npm run dev
Not work.
A new try on v4.0.0-1, not work.
try ^2.6.1
Now, the events are displayed in the allDay section. However, I click the month-nav to change to month-view, the events displayed in allDay will dispear.
For example: this is my click sequence: week(events exist in allDay section) => month(events dispear) => week(dispear)
So wired, the allDay section doesn't work again.
I have ser allDay configuration in json, but it didn't work. Any criticle point I miss ?
allDay: true,