CroudTech / vue-fullcalendar

FullCalendar Wrapper for vue
MIT License
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Events not displayed dynamically #23

Closed dzafer closed 7 years ago

dzafer commented 7 years ago

Using <full-calendar ref="calendar" :events="events" ... it works if events is hardcoded in data like below

But if I try to display data from a database, e.g. using VUEX with the mounted() vue method nothing appears

<full-calendar ref="calendar" :events="list" ...>
{{ list }}

 data() {
      return {
        events: [
       title: 'All Day Event',
            start: '2017-06-01'
        newlist: [ 
        title: 'new data',
            start: '2017-06-02'

methods: {
computed: {
        list: "getAllEvents"
mounted() {

If I'm hardcoding returned result in data: events, it's displayed properly {{ list }} is displayed properly

Same problem if I try to change dynamically the events source (both based in data) using

this.$refs.calendar.$emit( 'renderEvent', this.newlist, true);

Any Help Will Be Welcome

BrockReece commented 7 years ago

Ah it looks like there is a bug on the event watcher. I am fixing it now and will release a new version shortly.

BrockReece commented 7 years ago

Ok, v2.0.1 should now notice changes in the events prop and reload the new events.

dzafer commented 7 years ago

Thank you. really appreciate!