Crow3dits / QB-Shops

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Feature request #1

Open Dejvi1 opened 1 week ago

Dejvi1 commented 1 week ago

Hellooo, would be possible to add option to pay with bank or cash please ?

Crow3dits commented 1 week ago

hmm it does have options in the config in the payment types already, you can set every store with different payment type 🤔

Crow3dits commented 1 week ago

PaymentID = 1, -- Payment Styles (selling and buying): 1 = cash, 2 = bank, 3 = black money

1 = selling and buying in cash (removes or adds cash from inventory) 2 = selling and buying in bank (removes or add money to the bank account) 3 = selling and buying in black money ( removes or adds black money)

Dejvi1 commented 1 week ago

Yea i meant like could could choose in the menu if bank or money.. Like IRL you know you go and want to pay with cash or card..

Dejvi1 commented 1 week ago

If its not possible all good was just and idea because when someone goes to cash store and have no cash he has to run to atm and back.. sometimes annoying..