CrowdStrike / puppet-falcon
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Linux package install error #88

Open danislav opened 8 months ago

danislav commented 8 months ago

Hi guys, any idea why sometimes, maybe 1 of 10, package install on linux machines fails with this error:

12:22:12 err /Stage[main]/Falcon::Install/Package[falcon]/ensurechange from 'purged' to 'present' failed: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install falcon-sensor' returned 100:Reading package lists...Building dependency tree...Reading state information...E: Unable to locate package falcon-sensor /etc/puppet/environments/production/modules/falcon/manifests/install.pp:81

If I login to the node I see the install package downloaded in /tmp/falcon-sensor_SOME-VERSIONamd64.deb and can manually install without any issue. `apt install /tmp/falcon-sensor*_amd64.deb -y`

Happens on Debian 10 and 11. Any idea what could cause the package install fail from puppet?

ffalor commented 1 day ago

hey @danislav does a second puppet run also fail?

Could you try setting this environment variable export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive and seeing if that helps? It needs to be set in way that the puppet process will also use it.