Crowdedlight / Crows-Electronic-Warfare

Arma 3 Mod that enables electronic warfare features such as Radio/Drone jamming and spectrum signal tracking
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Spectrum Tracking vehicle #22

Open ahmed007boss opened 3 years ago

ahmed007boss commented 3 years ago

It would be nice if you can add module that adds to any vehicle spectrum tracking instead of the gun scanning higher range of Frequancy with option to make it Immobilized while scanning

it can be used In locating radars or LR radio signals which may be configured to broadcast spectrum by Zeus

something like that

Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago

So a vehicle that can scan longer ranges while immobilized? I will let it be open here, but this will likely not happen anytime soon. This would require custom GUI or at least find out how to open the spectrum GUI without having the gun. Quite a bigger task.

I can however update so the slider for the range a signal can be seen can be more than 5km if wished?

In regards to the LR/SR tracking I am working on a module that zeus would be able to enable and you can track radio traffic etc. With possible some additional features.

Redux2021 commented 2 years ago

maybe some kind of static or module (to sync with an vehicle because of all mods adding vehicles...) working different as the spectrum device... something like in the contact campaign after you take the "bouncer" second map mode... insted showing alien roots it would fit to show the source of signals.

depending on signal strenght and position like TFAR does you will get the position... someone siting on the "static radar device" could mark the position on the map, check if own formations are there and report it.

it would make much more sense to use ur idear of signal source grenades and launcher grenades to ruse the enemy radar positions.

a smal static variant could be put in one or two backbacks for inf (mobile but low range) or the radar vehicle/module with bigger range.

just an idear... don´t know if something of that is possible without building your own spectrum functions
