Crowdedlight / Crows-Electronic-Warfare

Arma 3 Mod that enables electronic warfare features such as Radio/Drone jamming and spectrum signal tracking
17 stars 6 forks source link

WIP: Radio tracking, TFAR, AI chatter, UVG Jamming, EMP optimization #27

Closed Crowdedlight closed 2 years ago

Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago

Radio Tracking

Spectrum Device and UVG Jamming

EMP Particle optimization

EMP functionality cross-mods

AI Voice Talk Add this for future release, missing the voice lines for now

- [ ] Make module you can put on player/group with set intervals and voice-line pack which plays the voicelines. Useful to add "talking" to AI to alert to their position or presence on sneaky missions. Using same voice packs as available with radiochatter - [ ] always get group from input target as we randomly want to choose different group members to talk - [ ] use server-loop like "addSound" to save and run the playing of sounds - [ ] Add label to group where its enabled so Zeus can see who is talking


Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago

Testing cases Ideally have one player feed on second screen to see from their end while we test



Spectrum / Jamming

Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago

- [ ] add ace actions for clacker as outlined in CfgVehicle to remote detonate a EMP - [ ] Add base-game actions for when ACE is not loaded.

Final Prep

Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago

Testing Notes:

- [ ] "Consider having jamming on the darters make them crash, and on the big drones just stay as they are"

- [ ] Make zeus module to manually add jamming to units.

Crowdedlight commented 2 years ago
Mrbigdick911 commented 2 years ago

Radio Tracking

  • [x] Implement so zeus can turn on that TFAR transmissions show up as spectrum signals while radios are used
  • [x] Implement radio-chatter module that can be put on AI or objects that randomly broadcast spectrum signals
  • [x] Implement so players can listen to the radio-chatter module by "firing" the spectrum device
  • [x] Add voice lines as per our document to radio-chatter for players to listen to
  • [x] Add morse-code section of sounds
  • [x] Add code for selection voice-pack when adding radio-chatter to unit

Spectrum Device and UVG Jamming

  • [x] Changed so spectrum device change available frequencies based on antennas. 30-389MHz is used for radio tracking, 390-500 Mhz is used for zeus-placed beacons, 433 Jammer, is used for drone/UVG jamming
  • [x] Implement UVG / Drone jamming. Each UVG has random signal 433-434 MHz only visible with jammer attachment. (Jamming should be like 300-500m distance or so)
  • [x] Implement so firing at UVG at more than -50 strength jams it with a 2-3s initial delay. Play electronic jam-effect sound.
  • [x] If we use distance strength, we should be able to terminate current jam if strength falls below -50 strength?
  • [x] Try and change weapon while holding down mouse1, to test what happens?
  • [x] If someone else right-click while one is jamming, it would reset the jam. Figure out to track who is jamming and only "enableAI" if none is jamming, instead if only one is stopping?

EMP Particle optimization

  • [x] Lower amount of sparkle sprites and unit/car particle effect
  • [x] Consider removing unit/car effect. The ones with small lightning bolts - [ ] Try to change sparks effect to 2D sprite effects instead of current 3D spaceobjects.
  • [x] Reduce max radius to 2500m. 5k is just too much on frame impact
  • [x] Add spawning of "The device" as an optional checkbox and make it work when only given a position

EMP functionality cross-mods

  • [x] TFAR still show signal source on transmission if EMP'ed and thus disabled. Add checking if radio is disabled for radio-chat local signal handler
  • [x] smaller radio-chatter text. Or figure out to make it scale depending on distance?

AI Voice Talk Add this for future release, missing the voice lines for now

- [ ] Make module you can put on player/group with set intervals and voice-line pack which plays the voicelines. Useful to add "talking" to AI to alert to their position or presence on sneaky missions. Using same voice packs as available with radiochatter - [ ] always get group from input target as we randomly want to choose different group members to talk - [ ] use server-loop like "addSound" to save and run the playing of sounds - [ ] Add label to group where its enabled so Zeus can see who is talking


  • [x] addsound should also show as zeus label, so we know where sounds are added
  • [x] make it possible for custom missions to disable spectrum device. CBA setting or a simple variable that can be set false before postInit
  • [x] Make units with signal-sources, or radio-chatter/voice-chatter show a symbol or text for it, for zeus. Only draw if within "some" distance of unit with zeus cam.
  • [x] Fixed bug with jammer not resetting TFAR for players if its the only jammer and is removed by removeJammer module
  • [x] Set the position of the zeus-text for each module slightly different so they don't overlap completely if used on same object
  • [x] Go through the zeus text, and cut down the length. Some information might not be needed, as it can be seen by reusing module, or its enough to just know what type and that its placed on the unit
  • [x] Make the zeus drawText toggleable with a keybind. CBA keybind/setting. Check how playerFPS does?