Croydon / vertical-tabs-reloaded

Firefox add-on for arranging tabs vertically
Mozilla Public License 2.0
136 stars 12 forks source link

Investigate support for tab containers #92

Open Croydon opened 7 years ago

Croydon commented 7 years ago

Find out if there needs to be specific support (likely) and if yes, how it could integrate in VTR.


leedoyle commented 7 years ago

@Croydon you might want to look into SeaContainers add-on code to see how it can be done.

hipunk commented 6 years ago


first of all sorry for not having used the search functionality before. Yikes! Then, with the tab container addon (from mozilla itself, see: ) you can (additionally to the Firefox built-in features), make a website/domain automatically load in a container tab. For some reason, this creates some hiccups with vertical tabs reloaded. The order of the tabs in the vertical tab list becomes wrong and sometimes tabs even duplicate themselves (I don't know how to reproduce the duplicated tab bug, yet).

To reproduce, look here: screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 08 47 (fig 1) These are the two addons in a fresh Firefox installation.

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 10 31 (fig 2) I will create a new work tab container.

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 11 46 (fig 3) For this quick little demo, I will visit and enable the "Always Open in This Container" checkmark, because I do not want to manually have to create a work tab over and over again, I want firefox to handle this for me automatically. Appearantly, this feature is the only reason for this addon to exist. Everything else is built-in already. I only have it installed for that.

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 16 38 (fig 4) To create the circumstances for the issue to show up, I will open a first tab like e.g. google in which I will search for github (to have a URL linking to which should open in a work container now, as shown in fig 2) and second one (in this case yahoo) which will just be there, idling.

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 18 42 (fig 5) I select "Open Link in New Tab" - but it would happen with any other link that opens up in a new tab as well (e.g. popups).

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 19 59 (fig 6) See what happens? The tabs should be in order of the top tab row, but they get mixed up. The new background tab doesn't open below the parent tab but 1 row lower than that. Another thing that then happens, is that the loading animation does not stop, it keeps spinning and spinning indefinitely. Rarely, the newly created tab shows up twice in vtr. As I said already, I do not know how to reproduce that, but it happens from time to time (it was not just once).

screen shot 2018-04-12 at 21 26 33 (fig 7) This spinning animation also always happens when you close firefox with some tabs open and restart it having the above setting set. The then currently focussed tab, will not stop the spinning animation. Sometimes favicons also don't show up when restarting firefox this way. My workaround so far: Copy the url of that bugged tab and paste it into a new one. Not that big of a deal as I rarely restart firefox, but I feel it deserves attention (maybe in another ticket?).

These issues happen on macOS and Ubuntu (I would wildly guess on Windows as well) and it would be neat to have a fix for this. Sure, I could use tree tabs instead of vtr, but it's too bloated for my taste and also its fonts are too tiny. By the way: I think a bit more size on the fonts in vtr could help as well, as the fonts are quite small (or rather thin), very objectively speaking. Nevertheless thanks for having created this addon, it is an invaluable addition to my workflows, despite the bugs.



as3mbus commented 5 years ago

tree style tab already have this as additional option which applied through code (unfortunately)

the following page also contain applicable userchrome.css trick which also work with VTR plugin (i just tested it myself) and it look slick with VTR


it applies by changing background color of specified tabs to the container color.

for my personal opinion it would be nice if i could have small (maybe miniscule) icon over the web icon. or maybe just additional highlight through border color

sagz commented 4 years ago

Bumping this back to new, please implement Container Extension theming on thevertical list. The current container convention is a different-colored underline so at minimum replicating that would be great!

Thank you for this extension. Happy to provide more context if this ask is unclear. Also, lmk if this needs to be a separate issue instead of necrobumping this one.

hipunk commented 4 years ago

Necrobumping doesn't exist. Data knows no time.

nullbasis commented 3 years ago

I would also find it very useful if VTR could change the background color of tabs to match their containers (maybe with optional saturation sliders). VTR is superior to TST in almost every way to me, except for this one tiny thing.

grebulon commented 3 years ago

I only miss the menu actions for moving a tab to different container, and of course coloring the tabs (just a line on the edge is enough).