CrumbleWorks / aTFC

BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License
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Invert Spawnprotection feature from TFC? #51

Open dotSp0T opened 3 years ago

dotSp0T commented 3 years ago

TFC has a Spawn-Protection feature, where hostile mobs will spawn less and less the longer you stay in a certain area. Basically settling there makes it civilized or sth like that.

How about we invert that system? Instead, the longer you stay in an area (or the more you change about an area or sth like that), the higher the chance of hostile mobs spawning there-ish. Starting to attack established settlements, rather than making the wildness dangerous due to monsters.

Would still keep wildness dangerous to animals, etc. But monsters only spawn around player-bases -> bc we are the real monsters. or sth. sorta like Factorio?