CrunchyBagel / TracePrivately

A privacy-focused app using Apple's soon-to-be-released contact tracing framework.
MIT License
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Ability to submit exposures #24

Open HendX opened 4 years ago

HendX commented 4 years ago

If a positive exposure occurs, the user should be able to submit it.

The user should have the option to either

Additionally, the user should optionally be able to include their name and contact details, so the government agency can contact them if necessary.

HendX commented 4 years ago

This should be based on the generated risk level. So perhaps only "very high" can be submitted.

The app would then need to download those exposures accordingly and tell people there's a chance of a secondary exposure.

The ExposureNotification framework would likely need to use a different configuration (i.e. bucket weightings) when checking the list of exposures than it does against the list of infections.