CrunchyBagel / TracePrivately

A privacy-focused app using Apple's soon-to-be-released contact tracing framework.
MIT License
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ENManager fails to activate - Entitlements #57

Open pivot429 opened 4 years ago

pivot429 commented 4 years ago

Getting error within xcode console that ENManager "Invalidated unexpectedly" when trying to call activate. Any suggestions?

VolceOntra commented 4 years ago

You need a special entitlement from Apple, it doesn't look like there is a way to request one right now (at least that I know of)

tannewt commented 4 years ago

The entitlement is needed even for dev builds?

VolceOntra commented 4 years ago

The entitlement is needed even for dev builds?

Yeah looks like it

pivot429 commented 4 years ago

what is the entitlement name?

VolceOntra commented 4 years ago

HendX commented 4 years ago

I'm going to rename this thread to indicate it's related to entitlements.

And yea, you need access to this for development builds as best as I can tell. I'm currently developing this app in the blind.

The purpose of ENMockFramework.swift is to mimic the behaviour of the framework as closely as possible if you don't have access to use the actual framework.

tannewt commented 4 years ago

@HendX Thank you so much for this project! I think it's a great approach. Let me know if you have any BLE questions. I don't know iOS that well but have done lots of low level BLE.

I hear Apple will release guidelines for who qualifies for the entitlement soon.

HendX commented 4 years ago

From #54:

What is a process to get this entitlement key from Apple?

You likely need to be a government health department and request it from your Apple contacts. Maybe they will open this up just for development builds, I'm not sure (although I suspect not).

VolceOntra commented 4 years ago

I’m with JHU, We have an open ticket with Apple. I’ll let you know what the process is when we hear from them.

tannewt commented 4 years ago

I work for Adafruit and asked our Apple contact for a way to test with other BLE devices (not to release an app) and the reply was that criteria for entitlement would be published soon.

pca-homsi commented 4 years ago

Look here :

HendX commented 4 years ago

Information about entitlement:

General info and qualification info:

Request for entitlement: