Crylia / crylia-theme

A theme for AwesomeWM
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Failed to get gpu temp #23

Closed Shardj closed 2 years ago

Shardj commented 2 years ago

.config/awesome/src/widgets/gpu_info.lua:119: attempt to compare nil with number


bash -c "nvidia-smi -q -d TEMERATURE"

gives me

NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running.

I currently have the proprietary tested nvidia-driver-510 installed

Crylia commented 2 years ago

It because you wrote TEMPERATURE without the P. But assuming that was just a typo here and its correct in the config then its a really weird Issue. I use the same driver btw. Can you confirm that Nvidia supports your GPU with this driver/nvidia-smi tool? bash -c "nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep 'GPU Current Temp' | awk '{print $5}'" Works fine for me

Nonetheless I'm going to add a nil check since AMD folks might get the same error.

Shardj commented 2 years ago

Yeah it's correct in the config, that was just a typo from me copying it down

Shardj commented 2 years ago

But yeah, this

bash -c "nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE | grep 'GPU Current Temp' | awk '{print $5}'"

gives no output since

bash -c "nvidia-smi -q -d TEMPERATURE"

gives "NVIDIA-SMI has failed because it couldn't communicate with the NVIDIA driver. Make sure that the latest NVIDIA driver is installed and running."

Shardj commented 2 years ago

I'll try re-installing my nvidia drivers at a later date. I won't do it this week since I can't afford to screw up my computer right now

Crylia commented 2 years ago

Good luck with that. Drivers (especially Nvidia) can be a huge pain