Crylia / crylia-theme

A theme for AwesomeWM
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[BUG] network widget non-functional #25

Open Shardj opened 2 years ago

Shardj commented 2 years ago

The network widget on hover simply displays "Loading" and does nothing on click. I don't get any errors popping up, for now I've been changing networks with nmcli.

The issue is probably related to the fact that my laptop has six Ethernet interface's (for some reason, probably docker fuckery). Correcting the network interface logical names in user_variables.lua (from wlo1 to wlp0s20f3 and eno1 to vethc7a3aaf) doesn't change anything.

I also would suggest such a vital widget is moved to screen one and less important information such as cpu / gpu temps %'s are moved to the second monitor alongside the memory usage.

Crylia commented 2 years ago

This is pretty weird, I would dive deeper into this but I'm gonna rewrite the entire widget in the next days from scratch using the dbus and not bash (this might fix all the issues).

You can always change the widget position yourself, if you look into crylia_bar/init.lua then you will find some instructions on how to do it per screen. But I also plan on simplifying that before I merge the dev with the main

Shardj commented 2 years ago

Another weird bug I'm having is if I plug a second monitor in I get no output to it. If I go back to the login screen then plug it in and then go into AwesomeWM there's no issue though. I'm not sure if that's AwesomeWM or xrandr not playing nice though so I haven't made a ticket.

Crylia commented 2 years ago

This is really weird, since I got a signal that restarts awesome if a new monitor is detected. I think your PC is not sending a signal when a new monitor is detected, or it does it in a weird way. It this also persists in the default rc.lua then go ahead and make a new issue on the awesomeWM github

Shardj commented 2 years ago

Restarting awesome manually doesn't fix it, probably an xrandr issue then

chookity-pokk commented 1 year ago

I am having the same error with the network widget not working. I tried adding in the dbus version of network.lua but it seems to have thrown a bunch of errors. Do I need the whole development branch?

Crylia commented 1 year ago

I am having the same error with the network widget not working. I tried adding in the dbus version of network.lua but it seems to have thrown a bunch of errors. Do I need the whole development branch?

You won't be able to get the dev branch running. What exactly is the issue? While I switched to NetworkManager via the dbus in the new branch, the old branch still has the funky shell commands. Did you correctly entered your wlan card name?

chookity-pokk commented 1 year ago

For the dbus script I literally just copy.pasted it and tried from there.

For the regular script I just added to my setup and it gets stuck on loading.

Crylia commented 1 year ago

For the dbus script I literally just copy.pasted it and tried from there.

That won't work because you need an external lib via luarocks for example, and some other modules from my config.

For the regular script I just added to my setup and it gets stuck on loading.

I believe that there is a table at the top that holds the wifi and ethernet interface name, check yours with ip a and add it there

chookity-pokk commented 1 year ago

Running ip a I get eno1 and lo. Though eno1 is already setup for ethernet.

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Can you try to run the shell commands with in your terminal?

chookity-pokk commented 1 year ago

When trying with both eno1 and lo it gives a response of "Not Connected". So I'm not really sure what's going on there.

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Thats why I need you to try the shell commands that you can find in the widget. I sadly can't recreate the bug so I can only assist you in finding the error