Crylia / crylia-theme

A theme for AwesomeWM
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[QUESTION] polybar colors #31

Closed changsijay closed 1 year ago

changsijay commented 1 year ago

seems some colors are missing

error: Invalid value for "module/date.label-foreground", using default value (reason: The reference ${} does not exist (no fallback set))
error: Invalid value for "module/cpu.label-foreground", using default value (reason: The reference ${colors.bluegreen} does not exist (no fallback set))

also I am trying polybar tho it looks not same as screenshot here


changsijay commented 1 year ago

also rofi powermenu related files are missing

"rofi -show power-menu -modi power-menu:~/.config/rofi/rofi-power-menu -theme ~/.config/rofi/powermenu/powermenu.rasi"
Crylia commented 1 year ago

Well I haven't touched polybar or i3 in almost a year now, so I expect things to be wrong by now. I might take a look after I finish my vacation.

changsijay commented 1 year ago

no hurry, curious what combination are you using now? after trying some polybar and rofi and tiled wm, I am thinking keep using gnome42 for simplicity XD

Crylia commented 1 year ago

I will probably remove the i3 and polybar config since this is primarily my awesome repo and I don't use them anyways. Rofi will also be completely removed next release so It would break those anyways.