Crylia / crylia-theme

A theme for AwesomeWM
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[BUG] When i write `neofetch` on my fish config, i have a topbar like this #44

Closed mel4tonin closed 1 year ago

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

When i first installed the theme i dont have window things (close, maximize, minimize). After i just add neofetch on my fish config, the window things come but my topbar looks like this: image

(This is what i mean by window things, sorry my english isnt very good.) image

Arch linux

awesome v4.3-1588-gb54e50ad6 (Too long) • Compiled against Lua 5.4.4 (running with 0.9.2) • API level: 4 • D-Bus support: yes • xcb-errors support: no • execinfo support: yes • xcb-randr version: 1.6 • LGI version: /usr/share/lua/5.4/lgi/version.lua • Transparency enabled: yes • Custom search paths: no

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Uh, first of all that looks hilarious LOL. It looks like it is either the GPU widget, the temp widgets or the keyboard layout widget, can you remove those from your user_config.lua one by one to find out which one it is?

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

It is keyboard layout widget. I dont have user_config.lua, do you mean user_veriables.lua?

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

@Crylia ?

Crylia commented 1 year ago

ah yes sorry, I changed some stuff in the devbranch (pretty much everything lol) so I forget how I did the stuff in the main branch ^^

Crylia commented 1 year ago

If its the keyboard layout widget, could you run this command and send me the result please?

setxkbmap -query | grep layout | awk '{print $2}'

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

US @Crylia

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Are you sure it's the keyboard layout widget then? Because it should only ne US in that case

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

If i click it, shows the layouts

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Try to remove the widget from the user_variables.lua and see if its still there, if yes remove other widgets until its gone then report back which one it was

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

When i add -- to kblayout (--kblayout = { "de", "ru" },) it comes back to default awesomewm.

Crylia commented 1 year ago

Ah sorry, you need to comment out this line here I thought I had the widget declaration already moved in there, sorry

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

No problem i am trying now

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

Yes it removed but now i dont have any minimize maximize etc. image

Crylia commented 1 year ago

This is really weird, do they appear when you press super+g twice? (toggle floating off and on) or try super+m twice to toggle maximise

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

When i press super+g it appears TYSM

mel4tonin commented 1 year ago

I am so sorry but how can i resize the windows?

Crylia commented 1 year ago

either rightclick on the titlebar and it should automatically start, or use super+rmb anywhere on the window