Crylia / crylia-theme

A theme for AwesomeWM
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[QUESTION]Hide / show wibox #52

Closed anhuar-ma closed 8 months ago

anhuar-ma commented 8 months ago

Sorry to bother again , I want to hide the crylia_bar(the 3 top bars) with a shortcut, I tried what the arch wiki said:

awful.key({ modkey }, "b", function () myscreen = awful.screen.focused() myscreen.mywibox.visible = not myscreen.mywibox.visible end, {description = "toggle statusbar"} ), but I got the error:

attempt to index a nil value (field 'mywibox')

Crylia commented 8 months ago

You will have to make a shortcut that sends a signal to all 3 bars and toggles them

anhuar-ma commented 8 months ago

How could I do that?

anhuar-ma commented 8 months ago

Could you also tell me how can I edit the size of the bar, for example I don't now yet if I should edit the widgets or the bar config to make it smaller.