CryoVR / CryoVR_Vitrobot

This repo is for pre-training Vitrobot
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Add step of putting back all items_by Dr. Schmid #37

Closed SchubyDong closed 3 years ago

SchubyDong commented 3 years ago

After the protocol is done, the user MUST remove everything they brought into the freezing room. Put everything back on the cart. No gloves, goggles or labcoat left out, or still wearing them outside the freezing room (good practice for BSL2!). A trash can for gloves, eppendorf tubes, etc. would be good. Our Biosafety person has more complaints about this clutter than anything else!

SchubyDong commented 3 years ago

We have added this feature to our newest version. It's ready to have some test to find potential enhancement

smallelephant9516 commented 3 years ago

I didn't see this step in 1.44 version