CryptidID / Cryptid

This repository contains all the libraries and demos for the Cryptid identification system.
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Crash report when using too many Trades (calculation error with discount vouchers) #2

Closed MartinKBT closed 3 weeks ago

MartinKBT commented 3 weeks ago

Oops! The game crashed: card.lua:472: attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'discount_percent' (a nil value)

Additional Context: Balatro Version: 1.0.1f-FULL Modded Version: 1.0.0-ALPHA-0720a-STEAMODDED Love2D Version: 11.5.0 Lovely Version: 0.5.0-beta4 Steamodded Mods: 1: Cryptid by MathIsFun, Balatro Discord [ID: Cryptid, Version: 0.4.3a] 2: Talisman by MathIsFun, Mathguy24 [ID: Talisman, Version: 2.0.0-beta1]

Stack Traceback

(3) Lua upvalue 'sc' at file 'card.lua:472' Local variables: self = table: 0x38036c28 {under_overlay:false, sort_id:216, click_offset:table: 0x38003a10, STATIONARY:false (more...)} (temporary) = Lua function '?' (defined at line 8101 of chunk main.lua) (temporary) = number: 1 (temporary) = Lua function '?' (defined at line 7988 of chunk main.lua) (temporary) = number: 20.5 (temporary) = nil (temporary) = eee16 {array:table: 0x37f538e8, sign:1} (temporary) = boolean: false (temporary) = eee16 {array:table: 0x37f538e8, sign:1} (temporary) = number: 2 (temporary) = string: "attempt to perform arithmetic on field 'discount_percent' (a nil value)" (4) Lua upvalue 'sc' at line 1904 of chunk '"C:\Users\Martin Kubát\AppData\Roaming\Balatr..."]' Local variables: self = table: 0x38036c28 {under_overlay:false, sort_id:216, click_offset:table: 0x38003a10, STATIONARY:false (more...)} (5) Lua method 'set_cost' at line 694 of chunk '"C:\Users\Martin Kubát\AppData\Roaming\Balatr..."]' Local variables: self = table: 0x38036c28 {under_overlay:false, sort_id:216, click_offset:table: 0x38003a10, STATIONARY:false (more...)} (6) Lua field 'func' at line 587 of chunk '"C:\Users\Martin Kubát\AppData\Roaming\Balatr..."]' Local variables: (for generator) = C function: next (for state) = table: 0x38538578 {1:table: 0x38036c28, 2:table: 0x3830f8e8, 3:table: 0x38062878, 4:table: 0x3803a598 (more...)} (for control) = number: nan k = number: 1 v = table: 0x38036c28 {under_overlay:false, sort_id:216, click_offset:table: 0x38003a10, STATIONARY:false (more...)} (7) Lua method 'handle' at file 'engine/event.lua:99' Local variables: self = table: 0x38e8c998 {start_timer:true, timer:TOTAL, blockable:true, trigger:immediate, func:function: 0x38741578 (more...)} _results = table: 0x3876a1c8 {blocking:true, pause_skip:false, time_done:false, completed:false} (8) Lua method 'update' at file 'engine/event.lua:182' Local variables: self = table: 0x37fa1128 {queue_last_processed:153.78333333335, queues:table: 0x38073c88, queue_dt:0.016666666666667 (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 forced = nil (for generator) = C function: next (for state) = table: 0x38073c88 {unlock:table: 0x3804d020, other:table: 0x37fb3828, tutorial:table: 0x38051450 (more...)} (for control) = number: nan k = string: "base" v = table: 0x380f6fd0 {1:table: 0x38036bb0, 2:table: 0x38e8c998, 3:table: 0x38230850, 4:table: 0x38d05540 (more...)} blocked = boolean: false i = number: 2 results = table: 0x3876a1c8 {blocking:true, pause_skip:false, time_done:false, completed:false} (9) Lua upvalue 'gameUpdateRef' at file 'game.lua:2652' Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 http_resp = nil (10) Lua upvalue 'upd' at file 'main.lua:479' Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 (11) Lua upvalue 'upd' at file 'main.lua:8230' Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 (12) Lua upvalue 'upd' at line 1038 of chunk '"C:\Users\Martin Kubát\AppData\Roaming\Balatr..."]' Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 (13) Lua upvalue 'upd' at line 1917 of chunk '"C:\Users\Martin Kubát\AppData\Roaming\Balatr..."]' Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 (14) Lua method 'update' at file 'Cryptid.lua:633' (from mod with id Cryptid) Local variables: self = table: 0x37ad7198 {PALETTE:table: 0x37bf83f8, ANIMATION_FPS:10, F_CRASH_REPORTS:false, F_QUIT_BUTTON:true (more...)} dt = number: 0.00684853 (15) Lua field 'update' at file 'main.lua:133' Local variables: dt = number: 0.00684853 (16) Lua function '?' at file 'main.lua:77' (best guess) (17) global C function 'xpcall' (18) Love2D function at file 'boot.lua:377' (best guess) Local variables: func = Lua function '?' (defined at line 48 of chunk main.lua) inerror = boolean: true deferErrhand = Lua function '(Love2D Function)' (defined at line 348 of chunk [love "boot.lua"]) earlyinit = Lua function '(Love2D Function)' (defined at line 355 of chunk [love "boot.lua"])

This happened when I made infinity Trade cards with CCD deck. Once I lose Voucher which discounts shop by 50% game crashes

Emyrk commented 3 weeks ago

What? You have the wrong project