Crypto-toolbox / bitex

Crypto-currency Exchange API Framework
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Dev branch, Binance, order_book formatted issue? #190

Open firepol opened 6 years ago

firepol commented 6 years ago

Dev branch:

I did a test to understand how the formatted order_book should look like, here my test:

binance = bitex.Binance()
binance_orderbook = binance.order_book('XRPBTC').formatted

Result (I just included 3 bids and 3 asks for the sake of simplicity): OrderBook(bids=[['0.00009160', '10203.00000000', []], ['0.00009157', '1026.00000000', []], ['0.00009156', '465.00000000', []]], asks=[['0.00009163', '1096.00000000', []], ['0.00009164', '12.00000000', []], ['0.00009165', '268.00000000', []]], timestamp=datetime.datetime(2018, 5, 1, 17, 30, 52, 392448), error=None)

Is this supposed to look like this? Every bid/ask should rather contain the timestamp, but not an empty array, right?

Also the format of bid or ask, I'm guessing it, is: price, then size, then timestamp?

deepbrook commented 6 years ago

You're on the right track, yes! Have a look at

There are examples for the expected outputs.

firepol commented 6 years ago

Accoording to base, then it should be "in format [ts, price, size]":

{'bids': [['1480941692', '0.014', '10'],
                      ['1480941690', '0.013', '0.66'],
                      ['1480941688', '0.012', '3']],
             'asks': [['1480941691', '0.015', '1'],
                      ['1480941650', '0.016', '0.67'],
                      ['1480941678', '0.017', '23']]}

Then this should be filed as a bug.

deepbrook commented 6 years ago

It should be indeed. Or the docs changes - It may be better to sort the data by quality.

The thing is, timestamp is not always given, so some of them are generated by us. IT may be preferable to sort them as you guessed: price, size, ts.

firepol commented 6 years ago

Ok, then we have 2 issues:

1) put timestamp in the end and update accordingly, are there tests using that? Then need to update the tests too...

2) binance bids/asks look like this: ['0.00009160', '10203.00000000', []] which should rather look like this: ['0.00009160', '10203.00000000', ''] empty string, or None (not an empty array)... probably empty string is better since I understand bitex doesn't want to format numbers either, but leave everything as string.


deepbrook commented 6 years ago

None would be more appropriate IMO, since we actually do not receive any timestamp from the API. An empty string looks somewhat like a faulty parser. Otherwise, that's all correct.

firepol commented 6 years ago

Probably you've seen my binance PR, but I didn't address this issue. I tried to have a look at this, but I'm having some difficulty to understand how it works:


    def order_book(self):
        """Return namedtuple with given data."""
        data = self.json()
        bids = data['bids']
        asks = data['asks']
        timestamp = datetime.utcnow()
        return super(BinanceFormattedResponse, self).order_book(bids, asks, timestamp)

    def order_book(self, bids, asks, ts, error=None):
        """Return namedtuple with given data."""
        order_book = namedtuple(
            "OrderBook", ("bids", "asks", "timestamp", "error"))
        return order_book(bids, asks, ts, error)

The namedtuple creates the array containing the bids, the asks, timestamp and error. So far so good.

But I don't understand where do you configure how a single value of the array can be changed as discussed?

I mean the bid or ask in the bid or ask array, where do I modify that?

deepbrook commented 6 years ago

But I don't understand where do you configure how a single value of the array can be changed as discussed? You'd have to loop over bids and asks before passing them to the super() call, I'd assume.