Crypto-toolbox / bitex

Crypto-currency Exchange API Framework
MIT License
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Problem with Bitfinex ticker #192

Closed torquemada163 closed 6 years ago

torquemada163 commented 6 years ago

I insert in file ..api/REST/ string print(url) in:

url = urljoin(self.uri, endpoint_path)


if authenticate:  # sign off kwargs and url before sending request
            url, request_kwargs = self.sign(url, endpoint, endpoint_path,
                                            method_verb, *args, **kwargs)

This is my example:

from bitex.api.REST import BitfinexREST
import json

b = BitfinexREST()

response = b.query('GET','pubticker', params={'pair': 'BTCUSD'})


And I see this in terminal:
<Response [404]>

If I did how write in docs: response = b.query('GET','pubticker', params={'symbol': 'BTCUSD'}) I see the same output..... What is wrong?

deepbrook commented 6 years ago

BitfinexRest is the API class - it does no additional wrapping or insertion of parameters for you (except signature generation) hence, you need to do this:

b = BitfinexREST(version
response = b.query('GET', 'pubticker/btcusd')

If you're going to use the API classes, I suggest you familiarize yourself with the code and its doc strings. Thanks for using bitex!