CryptoConsortium / CCSS

The CryptoCurrency Security Standard
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Definitions section – Clarifications – some structural changes #13

Closed thedoctor closed 9 years ago

thedoctor commented 9 years ago

Hey guys,

Sorry for the poor packaging of this PR, it's pretty bulky and touches a lot of stuff. Also I just noticed the changelog stuff today, so I'll have to add quite a few entries there, but I figured it'd be worth submitting this first so the changes can be reviewed.

In this PR, main changes:

Abstrct commented 9 years ago

I'm still working on taking in all the changes but I just wanted to quickly say thank you. This is an awesome contribution and I look forward to hitting that inviting green button up there.

Since there are a mix of changes to the repository/page, and changes to the standard itself, I will hold off to give everyone a chance to comment.