For the AWS Lambda log-to-SNS function, we need some parsing.
[ ] Filter warn "Operation timed out", see also Keep a "last seen" and a "24 hour counter" in DynamoDB. Then, unless either "last seen" <= N minutes (N maybe 10?) or "24 hour counter" >= N' (N' maybe 5?), do not send the alert
[ ] Check whether log format is json. If it is, look for severity and set Subject accordingly: Warn, or Error.
[ ] Have consts that encode location (to start subject with, e.g. "CL West") and SNS ARN (to send SNS to)
[ ] Check whether log format is json. If it is, look for "New ETH balance" and alert if <= N, ideally in percent: 40% of target funding const.
[ ] Clean up what we send to SNS: Better timestamp, extraneous event fields removed
[ ] Check whether log format is json. If it isn't, parse for eth1 errors and send with eth1 subject; if it's not eth1, send with unknown subject
[ ] The whole "check whether log format is json" should be done once, then check further: Decision tree / flow chart. Likely with a bunch of switch and if then else.
For the AWS Lambda log-to-SNS function, we need some parsing.