CryptoXploit / Keyhunt

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Illegal instruction (core dumped) - Bug?? #1

Open h3L3n128 opened 1 year ago

h3L3n128 commented 1 year ago

Kali Linux - gcc - 10

./keyhunt -m address -f tests/1to32.txt -r 1:FFFFFFFF [+] Version 0.2.211117 SSE Trick or treat ¡Beta!, developed by AlbertoBSD [+] Mode address [+] Opening file tests/1to32.txt [+] Setting search for btc adddress [+] N = 0x100000000 [+] Range [+] -- from : 0x1 [+] -- to : 0xffffffff [+] Allocating memory for 32 elements: 0.00 MB [+] Bloom filter for 32 elements. [+] Loading data to the bloomfilter total: 0.00 MB [+] Bloomfilter completed [+] Sorting data ... done! 32 values were loaded and sorted Illegal instruction (core dumped)

./keyhunt -m address -f tests/64.txt -b 64 -l compress -R -q -s 10 [+] Version 0.2.211117 SSE Trick or treat ¡Beta!, developed by AlbertoBSD [+] Mode address [+] Search compress only [+] Random mode [+] Quiet thread output [+] Stats output every 10 seconds [+] Opening file tests/64.txt [+] Setting search for btc adddress [+] N = 0x100000000 [+] Bit Range 64 [+] -- from : 0x8000000000000000 [+] -- to : 0x10000000000000000 [+] Allocating memory for 1 elements: 0.00 MB [+] Bloom filter for 1 elements. [+] Loading data to the bloomfilter total: 0.00 MB [+] Bloomfilter completed [+] Sorting data ... done! 1 values were loaded and sorted Illegal instruction (core dumped)

sari777 commented 4 months ago

it can be the fault of gcc version. dont use updated version. use old versions for compile. also try make legacy if you only make does not work.