CryptoverseCC /
104 stars 18 forks source link & 1 DAI = 1 month of PRO plan #31

Open alex-nder opened 2 years ago

alex-nder commented 2 years ago

Hello! I am new user of ETHMail. I really like the concept.

I want to propose this domain "" for the service. It is most friendly and user atractive than "". This domain "" is for sale for $280USD.

The price for use PRO plan is really expensive. I think twice before pay 1USD/day to use an email service. So if I want to use ETHMail for 15 days (Two weeks) I need $15USD. There is email providers like Posteo for $1EUR/month.

I recently found this website "" for ENS domain names. It will be really cool if you partner with them to use that domain for email addresses. For example: If you got this ENS domain "xunkulapchvatal.eth" you can use "" as email address.

I want to share my ideas with you. Maybe I am asking to much. I know nothing about codes, java, github, etc. But I use mail every day.

Nice project.